Saturday 28 January 2017





Outstanding Fellows,

I bring you special greetings from the boardroom of the Electoral Committee (ELECO) of our great organization. Permit me from the very beginning to clearly state out the final decision, position and resolution of the electoral committee were reached after weighing suggestions and opinions from briefings in different fora and in total cognizance of the prevailing circumstances. With great emphasis, that all decisions herein were taken in good faith and intent for our overall interest is something you can take to the bank.

Conducting elections for a diverse and dynamic organization like ours is a multi-faceted Herculean task that requires collective involvement, considering the vast communities, electoral wards , traditional clans and kingdoms that make up Obio/Akpor Local Government Area which our organization represents in the microcosm. To guarantee a successful and credible election, a lot of things need to be employed and put into consideration to ensure fairplay and wide range acceptability of the entire process. It goes far beyond just the level of preparedness of the electoral body and the provision of electoral materials. Other critical materials which fall outside the purview of the electoral committee also needed to be addressed headlong and put into strict and proper consideration.


In the last general congress held on Sunday, 22nd January 2017, the electoral committee clearly stated without mincing words, her preparedness to conduct elections and transit power to a newly and first elected executive officers of our organization. The proposed election guidelines drawn from the draft of the organization's bye-law/constitution passed through all necessary readings, was amended and approved as the working document for the general election.

All other factors and measures concerned with a smooth election conduct was brought forward and ratified by the general congress.

Election nomination/Expression of Interest (EOI) forms, which serve as the only print electoral materials due to the adoption of Option A4 style of voting, were printed afterwards and ready for issuance to aspiring candidates for the various elective positions of the organization.

A reach-out to the Chief Security Officer (CSO) of Port Harcourt Polytechnic was also put into full process.


Apart from the commendable level of preparedness of the electoral committee, other external variables equally crucial and integral for the successful conduct of the organization's election like General acceptability of the rotational structuring of elective offices, the people’s/electorates’ confidence in the progress of the entire election process and the overall security architecture ahead of the election.

After the general congress, where the approval and ratification of the zoning/power rotation arrangement was sought and obtained, a brilliant and timely observation was made on the faulty nature of the congress-approved zoning arrangement by Most Outstanding Fellow Kelvin Amadi. It was a pointer to the fact that Apara kingdom was erroneously omitted in the zoning of elective offices that will constitute the Board of Trustees of the organisation, being the position of the Executive President, General Secretary and Treasurer. For a fair deal and purpose of equity, each of the three grand kingdoms that make up Obio/Akpor LGA were proposed to be ably represented on that board.

His brainwave and apt correction of a long-standing oversight ws largely misunderstood and stirred up the hornets’ nest, perhaps owing to his medium of conveyance, his choice of words or outright misconstruing of intent by the readers of his Facebook post. The developed misgiving by Apara people almost pitched them against members of the electoral committee, save for the peaceful spirit of oneness and brotherliness that our organization prides of.

For the avoidance of doubts and to put the records straight, the electoral committee is a bid to avoid raising of fresh dusts resorted to adopt the zoning arrangement drafted and inherited by the former CTC and ELECO, forwarding same for ratification and approval by the general congress.

The above being clarified, and in a dire need to pacify frail nerves and rectify the impasse, Akpor people who had two Board of Trustee positions zoned to them were talked into a swap deal with Apara people, since the electoral body in its wisdom didn’t want to single handedly force new elective positions on the two affected kingdoms, which could further deepen the already critical situation. After several consultations and stakeholder meetings by the two affected kingdoms, a swap deal of General Secretary to Apara kingdom and Vice Presidency to Akpor kingdom was secured, with the need for a proper zoning structure for the first (3) elections of our organization being put in place and presented to congress for ratification and approval.

All these successes were not recorded without a lot of hitches and not until late night yesterday, Friday 27th January 2017. As bad as it was, a particular kingdom even refused to engage in purchase of forms or electioneering campaigns until the puzzle was solved and dispensed in justice and fairness. To God be the glory, that was successfully secured and achieved.

One other important variable is the security of lives and property during and after the election. While members of our organization have the capacity to conduct themselves in a peaceful, orderly and secure manner, it is common sense that we inform and involve the security apparatus of Port Harcourt Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, which serves as the election venue. Our brother and member, Most Outstanding Fellow Azeru Oziri was drafted to liaise and facilitate the security arrangement with the Chief Security Officer (CSO) of Port Harcourt Polytechnic.

Most recent feedback from this venture is that our request has been officially minuted but with a security advice, that we consider a shift of date or venue owing to the ongoing church programme of the Anglican Communion on same campus and the attendant rowdiness of the campus at the said time. This position of their was purely advisory.

Having engaged in wide consultations and deliberations on the subject matter, the following questions were posed:

In view of the prevailing situation and circumstance, should the electoral committee proceed with the election as scheduled against the popular outcry of the affected kingdoms and also jettison the security advice from Port Harcourt Polytechnic? Or, should the electoral committee take heed to the popular demands of the affected kingdoms to enable ample time for purchase of forms and electioneering campaigns while also taking the security advise of Port Harcourt Polytechnic, the host institution?

The electoral committee after holding a long late night meeting that stretched into the wee hours of today, decided to listen to the majority wishes and yearnings of the people as a people-friendly and responsive committee. Also, as a committee with high regard and respect for superior security advice, the electoral committee decided to tow the line of the security advice of Port Harcourt Polytechnic to avert any possible regret(s) in the case of any unforeseen eventuality.

The electoral committee arrived at this decision knowing fully well that no matter our level of preparedness, once the generality of the people believe that they have shortchanged and not been fairly treated and also without adequate security measures to guarantee security of members lives and the institution’s property, the prospects of achieving a free, fair, credible, peaceful and generally accepted election is neither here nor there.

Consequently, the electoral committee, in accordance with international best practices of rescheduling elections under unconducive and unavoidable circumstances, has resolved to adjust and reschedule the Association of Obio/Akpor Youths (AOY) general election by a week extension from the earlier scheduled date of Sunday, 29th January 2017 to a new date of Sunday, 5th February 2017.

Our hope is to use this window provided by the postponement to totally win back the confidence of fairplay and equal treatment of all earlier aggrieved kingdoms, to put in place a secure and conducive election atmosphere and to provide a level playing ground and 100% efficient platform for adequate electioneering campaigns.

As we collectively wish to use the remaining days availed us by this rescheduling to perfect our election process to see to a very successful transition of power, we urge all members to accept this new position and decision, since it was taken in good faith and for the overall interest of our dear organization, Association of Obio/Akpor Youths (AOY).

Thanks and God Bless.


Chairman, AOY Electoral Committee
(For AOY Leadership)

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